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Health, Safety & Environment Committee (“HSE”)

Occupational Health & Safety

Members continue to view Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) as a top priority with best practice initiatives put in place to help drive for a positive safety culture and behavior. Members continue to ‘drive up’ OHS performance through a systematic approach to the establishment, implementation and maintenance of management systems designed to ensure, as a minimum, compliance with the laws, regulations, and industry requirements and to achieve continuous performance improvements. Policies, procedures, standards and processes which define responsibilities, activities and methods for identifying, understanding and controlling hazards and for eliminating preventable incidents that might lead to injuries to persons, remain the foundation for our compliance.

Best practice guides (linkage to relevant best practice guide/COP; may develop HKCMA’s guidelines in the future)/Information Sharing Platform

  • Benchmarking (e.g. health & safety statistics, target setting)
  • HKCMA’s Health & Safety Awards
  • Health & Safety Charter