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Current and Upcoming Events organized by HKCMA or presented by other related organization

Precast MiC Committee – MiC Plants Visit

Created Jun 6, 2024

On April 26th, Precast MiC Committee organized a visit activity, where we visited China State Hailong Construction Technology Company Ltd. 's large-scale MiC production and research bases located in Xinhui, Jiangmen, and Doumen, Zhuhai. Despite the heavy rain in the morning, the enthusiasm of the committee members remained undiminished. More than 20 personnel from 7 member companies continued the itinerary with great excitement, and fortunately, the weather cleared up when we visited the plants, allowing the activity to be successfully completed. Through observing the large-scale MiC production lines, visiting the magnificent demonstration halls, and exploring meticulously arranged sample engineering showcase rooms, all participants gained valuable insights. After the plants tour, our committee also held its second meeting to collectively promote the development of MiC affairs. Following the conclusion of the meeting, the members had a delightful dinner together, further exchanging and sharing their experiences in the MiC industry. Everyone returned home with great satisfaction. ...

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AGM 2023

Created Jun 6, 2024


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Visit & Study on MIC technology of China State Construction International Holdings at Shenzhen Longhua District

Created Jun 6, 2024

On June 29, 2023, a group of seven people, including Hong Kong Construction Materials Association (HKCMA) - Mr. Ambrose Linn, Chief Executive, Ms. Elaine Lam, Honorary Secretary, Mr. Eric Chiu, Chairman of Ready Mixed Concrete Committee; China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd - Mr. Zhu Honggang, Deputy Director of the Technology Innovation Center and Mr. Stephen Wong, Sales Manager; China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Ltd - Mr. Wang Qi, Deputy General Manager of Procurement and Mr. Jeffrey Che, Purchasing Manager of Procurement, were invited by China State Construction International Holdings to conduct a visit and study on MIC (Modular Integrated Construction) technology at its research center in Longhua District, Shenzhen. Mr. Huang Jiang, Vice President of China State Construction International Holdings, also accompanied the team. We visited the new building industrialization exhibition hall and smart construction command center, and conducted a comprehensive inspection of the project construction progress and research strength. We gained a detailed understanding of the project's MiC (Modular Integrated Construction) technology for concrete construction, BIM (Building Information Modeling) full life cycle delivery technology, and C-SMART smart construction technology. We highly recognized the project's construction concepts of industrialization, greenness, and intelligence. ...

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Delegation on an Inspection Visit to Sany Group in Changsha, Hunan

Created May 17, 2023

From April 24th to 26th, 2023, a group of 23 people led by Mr. Ambrose Linn , Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Construction Materials Association, and Mr. Eric Chiu , Chairman of Ready-Mixed Concrete Committee, , visited Sany Group in Changsha, Hunan. Activities such as inspections, visits to group factories, and exchanges were conducted to strengthen the development of the Hong Kong construction materials industry and promote active exchanges and cooperation between the two places. As a leading enterprise in the global equipment manufacturing industry, Sany Group is committed to developing advanced manufacturing and is one of the top three engineering machinery companies in the world and a member of the Forbes Global 500. Sany's No. 18 Lighthouse Factory is a globally leading and China's first "5G+ smart manufacturing" demonstration factory built by relying on an advanced industrial Internet platform. During the visit, a symposium was held with Sany executives, involving of Mr. Xiang Ru’An, Chairman of Sany Group Pump Division, Mr. Ambrose Linn, Eric Chiu, and all members of the inspection team, and Zhou Jianqi, Managing Director of China Wealth Hong Kong Machines Ltd. They had in-depth discussions on topics such as "the vision of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government in the low-carbon and environmental protection aspects of engineering machinery," "the performance and development trends of electric/fuel mixing trucks in Hong Kong," and "the operation mode of Sany's charging and battery-swapping stations in Hong Kong." Consensus was reached among the participants. ...

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Latest Events

  • Precast MiC Committee – MiC Plants Visit

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

    On April 26th, Precast MiC Committee organized a visit activity, where we visited China State Hailong Construction Technology Company Ltd. 's large-scale MiC production and research bases located in X...

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  • AGM 2023

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024


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  • Visit & Study on MIC technology of China State Construction International Holdings at Shenzhen Longhua District

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

    On June 29, 2023, a group of seven people, including Hong Kong Construction Materials Association (HKCMA) - Mr. Ambrose Linn, Chief Executive, Ms. Elaine Lam, Honorary Secretary, Mr. Eric Chiu, Chairm...

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