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Chairman’s Statement


Hong Kong Construction Materials Association (HKCMA), is a non-profit making body since its inception, focussing on improving and upgrading the performance of the Construction Material Industry. With the increasing number of members, our member companies engage in different core building material products. As we all admit that construction industry is one of the major industries in Hong Kong, our role in upholding the standards and keeping steady supply of high quality construction materials are of utmost importance.

Our association comprises committees of different building materials. To meet the market demands and evolving trends, we have regular committee meetings, seminars and outings to make sure all of our members are kept abreast of the latest technology and development to look after the needs of our environment and our community.

Hong Kong, at its fast pace, will demand a high level of professionalism and reliability of all our member companies. Needless to say, we aim to broaden our horizons in which we pay particular attention to the future development of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area and have been taking every step to make sure that we are keeping up with the development.

At this challenging juncture of political and social unrest, together with the current coronavirus epidemic, we trust that both our board of directors and committee members will stay ahead of technological change, innovating to ensure we do what is the best. We strive to unite all member companies in forging a better and greener tomorrow for all of the citizens in both Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

Moreover, one of our principal roles is to liaise with different government departments to ensure all our members can cope better with the government and general public expectations.

In the meantime, we assure you that we will not only nurture to achieve the success of the industry, but we will also encourage collaboration within the industry towards achieving a healthy, safe and environmental friendly workplace for all co-workers.

Eddy Tsang

Hong Kong Construction Materials Association

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