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Webinar on Experience Sharing of a Showcase using Prefabricated Rebars Cum Research on BIM-based Rebar Design Optimisation & Automation

Date: Friday, Aug 21, 2020
Venue: online
Time: 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Programe: Click here to download the leaflet
Total Participants:




9:30 - 9:40

Opening Remarks

Mr. Kennis WAN, AS(WP3)5, Works Branch/DevB

9:40 - 10:05

Experience Sharing for Using Prefabricated Rebar

Mr. CHENG Ying Chung, Site Agent, Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd. & Mr. LAU Cheuk Fung, Alex, Sub Agent, Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd

10:05 - 10:20

Sharing of a Showcase Project from RSS's point of view

Mr. Eric WONG, Resident Structural Engineer of WSP Hong Kong Limited

10:20 - 10:30

CITF Introduction – Prefabricated Steel Rebar Application

Mr. Raymond LEUNG, Assistant Manager, Construction Industry Council

10:30 - 11:05

BIM-based Rebar Design Optimisation and Prefabrication Automation

Prof. Jack CHENG, Associate Professor and Director of BIM Lab, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

11:05 - 11:30

Update of prefabricated rebar supplies in HK

Mr. Kelvin LAU , Executive Director of Golik Holding Ltd.

11:30 - 11:50

Panel Discussion

11:50 - 11:55

Closing Remarks

Mr. Alex HO, Senior Manager, Construction Industry Council


Seminar Speakers Presentation Materials

  • Mr. Y.C Cheng (Penta-Ocean), Mr. Alex Lau (Penta-Ocean)

  • Mr. Eric Wong (WSP)

  • Mr. Raymond Leung (CIC)

  • Prof. Jack Cheng (HKUST)

  • Mr. Kelvin LAU, Executive Director, Golik Holdings Limited


Photo Highlights

 This webinar is jointly organised by Development Bureau (DEVB), Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Hong Kong Construction Material Association (HKCMA) and aims to promote the adoption of off-site rebar prefabrication. In the webinar, experienced construction industry practitioners will share their practical experience on the use of prefabricated rebar products and a university professor will demonstrate BIM-based rebar design optimisation and modelling automation based on his research.


Registration: https://app.livestorm.co/cic-1/webinar-on-experience-sharing-of-a-showcase-using-prefabricated-rebars


Enquiry : 2100 9819

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