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Webinar on Competition Law with Industry focus on Construction Materials and Related Sectors

Date: Tuesday, Nov 10, 2020
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Programe: Click here to download the leaflet
Total Participants:






Ambrose Linn


Competition Enforcement Actions

Jade Tang


Prohibited Conducts

Kenneth Lee



Kenneth Lee


Information Exchange

Kenneth Lee


Predatory Pricing

Kenneth Lee


Margin Squeeze

Kenneth Lee


Hypothetical scenarios

William Tse



Seminar Speakers Presentation Materials

Photo Highlights

HKCMA has engaged Hugill & Ip - an independent law firm legal with renowned standing - to conduct a webinar primarily on topics of current developments of Competition Ordinances and related regulations in Hong Kong. This webinar primarily focuses on topics related to recent impacts of the Competition Ordinance and associated regulations in Hong Kong. Unlike similar seminars and knowledge sharing sessions, this event specifically spotlights the construction materials industry and related sectors, by discussing real life experiences and case studies.


In the webinar, our Speakers first cover the Hong Kong Competition Law enforcement regime and explain the First Conduct Rule and Second Conduct Rule. They then explore the 6 enforcement actions carried out by the Hong Kong Competition Commission since the enactment of the Competition Ordinance in 2015. Through the case studies, participants gain an understanding of what conducts would likely be considered as breaches of the relevant Conduct Rule. Our Speakers explain some essential and common types of prohibited conducts which would be of interest to the participants and elaborate with some cases sharing.


Lastly, a few hypothetical scenarios are explored, tackling questions participants may have in a practical easy to understand way. Many participants already submitted highlights and questions before the event, which have been incorporated in the webinar.


Video of the webinar:   youtu.be/WnAGY789aeA


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