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CARES Hong Kong


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Standards creation, certification and training activities


(852) 3960-6398

CARES Hong Kong Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of CARES (UK Certification Authority for Reinforcing Steels). CARES is the leading independent international constructional steels product certification body delivering confidence in the performance, background and quality of safety-critical reinforcement products entering the construction supply chain. With a proud track record of providing assurance to users, designers, consultants and specifiers spanning four decades, CARES’ data-led inspection and certification services provide valuable transparency into the provenance and sustainability characteristics of constructional steels moving across complex global supply chains.

Latest Events

  • Precast MiC Committee – MiC Plants Visit

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

    On April 26th, Precast MiC Committee organized a visit activity, where we visited China State Hailong Construction Technology Company Ltd. 's large-scale MiC production and research bases located in X...

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  • AGM 2023

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024


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  • Visit & Study on MIC technology of China State Construction International Holdings at Shenzhen Longhua District

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

    On June 29, 2023, a group of seven people, including Hong Kong Construction Materials Association (HKCMA) - Mr. Ambrose Linn, Chief Executive, Ms. Elaine Lam, Honorary Secretary, Mr. Eric Chiu, Chairm...

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