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Visit the O • PARK 2 Low Carbon Construction Exhibition Hall

Created Jan 12, 2023

Date: Thursday, Dec 6, 2012
Venue: O • PARK 2 at Sha Ling in North District, Hong Kong
Content: O • PARK 2 is located at Sha Ling in North District, Hong Kong. The project was constructed by AJA Joint Venture which was formed by Alchmex Construction (International) Limited (Alchmex), a wholly owned subsidiary of China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (CSHK), in collaboration with Jardine Engineering Corporation and Agrivert Limited. O • PARK 2 is an iconic green project implemented as a design, build and operate project. O • PARK 2 will use anaerobic digestion technology to convert food waste into electricity and fertiliser. Through recycling food waste into renewable energy, it is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 67,000 tonnes per year.

Members of the Hong Kong Construction Materials Association Limited (HKCMA) were invited to visit the O • PARK 2 Low Carbon Construction Exhibition Hall in North Sha Ling, New Territories on 6 December 2022. During the visit, the members have learnt about advanced technologies in low carbon construction (low carbon construction materials, smart construction technologies, Carbon Neutral Cloud Platform, C-SMART, and site electrification measures) and how the upstream and downstream of the construction value chain can work together to help achieve carbon neutrality during the construction phase.

CECEPEC is assisting CSHK to turn O • PARK 2 into the most advanced low-carbon construction project in Hong Kong by implementing various low carbon construction practices, such as the use of low-carbon cement and rebar, together with carbon credits to offset the remaining carbon emissions to achieve carbon neutrality during construction period, providing valuable experience and setting an example for low-carbon construction in Hong Kong.

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